Monday, December 7, 2009

Hatched & Mortons

It was a good cause for celebration! With some happy thoughts in mind, we trudged on to Hatched located at Evans Lodge. I must say it was a good start as we strolled and enjoyed the quiet, atmospheric surroundings. Almost like a nature walk.

We started with a more unusual offering of beer which proved to be stronger than the usual ones. In a good way of course. In a place that serves brunch, I could not resist ordering a cappuccino with an extra shot.

Burly Benedict

Spoilt for choices, we went ahead with Burly Bendict and Le Rossini as intended. One thing I noticed was the lack of salt/seasoning they had for their sides of sauteed potatoes and caramelised onions. It was rendered tasteless. Same goes for the thin slice of corned "wagyu" beef for the Burly Benedict. Perhaps it explains why salt and pepper are needed in this instance.

Le Rossini
The foie gras looked thick but it could do more with a better pan fry technique to make it more crisp and less chewy. I am guessing it might be duck liver. Truffle oil definitely helped in this dish. It is quite enjoyable to eat the toasted ciabatta with scrambled eggs, foie gras, drizzled with truffle oil. The idea for this place is good but perhaps they should select more quality ingredients to capture the attention of curious diners.


Mortons Steakhouse! What can I say? It was excellent! Definitely the best place for steak. Personalised services and menu apart, the food was of a totally different league of its own.

Onion Loaf
The onion loaf is the size of my head. It is that big. Lighting here proved to be difficult for me to take pictures so excuse the quality.

Lobster bisque
This has got to be the most umami bisque that I have complete with fresh lobster meat.

Best of the best. No words could describe this.

Sauteed spinach and button mushrooms
I swear I could eat this everyday.

I think it was a tenderloin. The best cut and taste I have ever eaten.

Grand Marnier Souffle
The texture of the souffle is so soft and fluffy I could have finished the giant portion by myself.

*Burp* It's been a great day. Absolutely lovely. Makes me wanna stretch both arms in the air and yelp a triumphant "Yatta!"

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