Monday, January 5, 2009

X'mas Dinner at Ikea

This dinner was on the actual day of Christmas. Who would have knew that it was a trend to celebrate at a furniture store cafe? The place was packed with many hungry diners including us but we were lucky to get seats within 10mins of wait. The couple that cleared their table for us was cheery enough to greet us with a "Merry X'mas!" nice of them.


The usual suspects like the meatballs and chicken wings made their way to our table. Meatballs with jam have never tasted this good even though it is mass produced. The chicken wings were even better. The Daim cake/pie looks like a Ferraro Rocher but somehow it tasted a tad too sweet for me.

This newly revamped place looks more spacious and have more seats, which is a good thing and what surprised me was the signs everywhere asking diners to clear their tables after they are done. What surprised me even more were the obliging diners doing the deed which you could never find them doing at foodcourts or fastfood restaurants. Hmm...I wonder...

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